"Over 300 inhabitants in Jorasti, Vrancea County protested against poultry culling in the locality, operation that started Saturday morning due to the confirmation of bird flu outbreak in the locality. The inhabitants, armed with bats ...
A Vrancea megyei Jorasti településen a helyiek botokkal a kezükben felszerelkezve próbálták megvédeni szárnyasaikat a hatóságoktól. Lévén, hogy a településen is azonosították a madárinfluenza kialakulás?ért felel?s vírust, ...
Over 300 inhabitants in Jorasti, Vrancea County protested against poultry culling in the locality on Saturday, and defended their flocks with axes and bat. It required 40 gendarmes to restore order. Now we learn that up to 13000 people ...